Hazel Coppice Products
Please contact us for price list
All our Hazel is sourced by us from local woodlands that have been traditionally managed to produce this sustainable, renewable and carbon neutral resource.
The Hazel (Corylus avellana) is cut (coppiced) to near ground level to produce the products listed below. The cut stump or 'stool' will then regrow ready to be cut again when it has reached a useable size of 1-2 inches in diameter at the base of the stems or 'rods'. This is usually done on a 7-8 year cycle (though it may be left to grow for longer to increase in diameter if it is to be used for charcoal making or firewood).
Hazel is mainly cut when dormant in the winter to promote the best regrowth, and this also avoids the work disturbing birds in the nesting season.
The fast growth and flexibility of Hazel wood makes it ideal for a wide range of products in addition to those below, and for hundreds, if not thousands of years was an essential part of everyday life, whether for creating woven hurdles for penning in sheep, thatching spars for securing straw to roofs, charcoal for smelting bronze and iron, or even as a humble clothes peg for hanging out washing.
Since the Industrial Revolution the use of Hazel had declined, though there has been a recent resurgence in its use as our awareness of sustainable production and the impacts on climate change of importing products like bamboo canes and charcoal has increased, so expect to see a wider range of products from us soon!
Bean Poles
For supporting runner beans and squashes
8ft long approx
1 - 1/12 inch diameter at the base
Sold in bundles of 11
Pea Sticks
For protecting and supporting pea plants and garden flowers
Fan -shaped Hazel tops
5-7ft long
Sold in bundles of 10

Brushwood Faggots/Fascines
Bundles of Hazel brushwood used for river bank restoration
Standard size 2m long x 30cm diameter
Other sizes made to order
Tied in 3 or 4 places as required
Can be supplied tied with either baler twine or Sisal